sobota, 28 marca 2020

Tasseomancy - part 1

For years, fortune-telling has been very popular - tasseomancy allows boding from tea grounds or from coffee or wine deposits. This method was spread in Europe a very long time ago - still in the 17th century. It was then that Dutch merchants introduced Chinese tea to the European market, which was widely traded. In total there are over 4000 different types of tea including Earl Grey, black tea, green tea, Rosemary, nettle, calamine, the list goes on. Tasseomancy has become particularly popular in the Netherlands and also in the Great Britain.
The positive attributes of tea leaf reading tea leaves is that most people possess the equipment required, simply a teacup, loose tea or a tea bag. Tea leaf reading the tea leaves involves tea leaf reading the variety of shapes that you find in and around the teacup.   Everyone wants to know their future and tea leaf readings mean this is generally accessible. There is a focus on reading the future and this is uncomplicated and a great way to predict up and coming events. 
How do you do that? First of all, make the tea. You have to use a light cup to make the grounds clearly visible.
After brewing, you should drink the brew, but not all of it. Let's leave a sip at the bottom to stir the grounds. While drinking, concentrate on the wish or question. We shouldn't drink the brew too quickly - it's best to do it in small sips, thinking about the specific thing we want to learn from the future. Take a cup in your left hand and roll it 3 times, turning it counterclockwise. Then quickly tilt the cup and turn it upside down on the saucer. The rest of the infusion flows out and the grounds themselves are arranged in a specific, predictive shape. 

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