poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2020

Is karma a bitch?

Karma is a term that has already become a permanent feature in the dictionary of most people. This philosophy of life, which originated in the Far East, can make everyday life easier. What does this word mean and does it really exist? 

Karma - in literal translation it is "work" or "action". In Buddhism and Hinduism, it is a cause - understood in the sense of the law of cause and effect. Karmic law is a set of rules that guide karma. One of the most interesting karmic laws is the Responsibility Law. It says that a person's whole life is exclusively his or her own work, and the responsibility for the way it is shaped lies solely with him or her. This in a way obliges people to be good, because thanks to these deeds their lives will be happy, peaceful and full of joy.

According to the karmic philosophy every human being continually interacts with other people. Whether these are good or bad deeds depends on what a given person receives in return. Karma is very important, especially in the context of life in society and charity. Expecting benefits in return for doing good is not compatible with karma and will not bring anything positive in return. It is also important to believe deeply in the sense of charity. 

A person's karma is otherwise an account of the good and bad deeds he or she has done throughout his or her life. A person's karma can be positive or negative, which has a direct effect on him/her. That is why it is so important how we act in our everyday life. Every deed counts. AND... it is not only taught by the philosophy of karma.

Is karma a bitch?

Karma is a term that has already become a permanent feature in the dictionary of most people. This philosophy of life, which originated in t...