sobota, 28 marca 2020

Tasseomancy - part 1

For years, fortune-telling has been very popular - tasseomancy allows boding from tea grounds or from coffee or wine deposits. This method was spread in Europe a very long time ago - still in the 17th century. It was then that Dutch merchants introduced Chinese tea to the European market, which was widely traded. In total there are over 4000 different types of tea including Earl Grey, black tea, green tea, Rosemary, nettle, calamine, the list goes on. Tasseomancy has become particularly popular in the Netherlands and also in the Great Britain.
The positive attributes of tea leaf reading tea leaves is that most people possess the equipment required, simply a teacup, loose tea or a tea bag. Tea leaf reading the tea leaves involves tea leaf reading the variety of shapes that you find in and around the teacup.   Everyone wants to know their future and tea leaf readings mean this is generally accessible. There is a focus on reading the future and this is uncomplicated and a great way to predict up and coming events. 
How do you do that? First of all, make the tea. You have to use a light cup to make the grounds clearly visible.
After brewing, you should drink the brew, but not all of it. Let's leave a sip at the bottom to stir the grounds. While drinking, concentrate on the wish or question. We shouldn't drink the brew too quickly - it's best to do it in small sips, thinking about the specific thing we want to learn from the future. Take a cup in your left hand and roll it 3 times, turning it counterclockwise. Then quickly tilt the cup and turn it upside down on the saucer. The rest of the infusion flows out and the grounds themselves are arranged in a specific, predictive shape. 

piątek, 27 marca 2020

Be your own friend

We women are great at nurturing relationships. We love to go out with our friends for coffee and share our personal successes as well as falls with them. Often we are much lighter on our souls when we can complain to our friend in a difficult situation. So let's be such a friend to yourself too. A friend who helps, supports, always has a warm word for us and a box of tissues.
Be your best friend. Do you get any reward for criticizing yourself and blaming yourself? Does telling yourself all these negative things and depreciating yourself bring something pleasant to you? I suppose not. Unless you like to feel angry, sad, frustrated, nervous or broken.  Don't let that happen. Be your ally, not an executioner.
We - women - are always comparing ourselves to others and doing literally everything to upset ourselves. That ends now. Be a strong woman and support yourself in achieving your goals.
The way you think about yourself and how you relate to yourself has a great impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Always treat yourself with respect. Praise yourself for your success. Congratulate yourself on a job well done. Thank yourself for what you have and who you are. Talk about yourself well, then people will see a good and valuable person in you too. A friend supports, helps, raises your spirits, cheers, holds your hand. Be such a friend to yourself.

środa, 25 marca 2020

Cats in the Egyptian culture

I have always liked history - it was one of my favourite subjects in the educational cycle. I was especially interested in antiquity in Egypt, Greece and Rome. However, it seems that the history itself wouldn't seem interesting enough to you, so I decided to tell you today about a phenomenon occurring in Egypt at that time. Namely, about the cats' cult.
In the times of ancient Egypt, there were the only non-two types of cats. One is wild cats (Felis chaus) and the other is domestic cats (Felis silvestris libyca). However, the Egyptians did not distinguish between the species of cats and they were all equally called in the male form "miu" or in the female form "miit". Maybe that's why we say cats meow today...
On the paintings in private tombs you can see cats sitting under or next to the host's chair, or accompanying their master during a hunt in papyrus bushes. Symbolic and religious image of the cat was also used in jewelry, especially in necklaces. It's because of them that we can assume when the cats were domesticated - around 2000 B.C.
These animals were taken very seriously in Egyptian culture - the sculptures and paintings usually depicted cats in a sitting position, with a proudly stretched, slender neck decorated with beautiful corals with their heads raised. The images of cats were gilded and decorated with the most expensive stones. They were treated with due respect, and were even allowed to eat with their homemakers at the common table. They were identified with the characteristics of rulers, i.e. strength, pride, power, bravery and dignity.
The death of a cat meant mourning for all the people in the household. On her sign the Egyptians shaved their eyebrows. It was necessary to bury them with dignity and celebrate mourning. The dead cat's body was wrapped in a canvas and taken to the temple where the priests embalmed it to ensure eternity. The mummified bodies were buried in the temple catacombs, to which the cat "delicacies": mice, rats and milk.

środa, 11 marca 2020

How to spend your free time creatively?

Spring is the time of the year when I try to slow down the pace and at least for a while take a break from the daily routine and monotony. Depending on how much free time I have managed to get, what mood I am in and what the weather outside, my ways to relax and recharge my batteries are different. Most of them can be arranged for free or with a small amount of money.
1. Board games
I am lucky that my childhood didn't consist of playing computer games and looking at a computer screen, tablet or smartphone for hours. In my time, you used to play cards and board games and spend afternoons and evenings like this. Every child knew what 'war', 'Chinese' or 'checkers' were. Nowadays board games go through a second youth. Their range is so wide that everyone will find something for themselves.
2. Adult coloring books
I'd like to write to you about something I discovered relatively recently. Adult coloring books are now a hit in the United States. As it turns out, it is one of the ways of dealing with stress. Looking at Empik I was shocked to see a whole shelf filled with these coloring books. I didn't think that a drawing book and a pack of crayons could help to reduce stress, relax and switch off. And yet! Additionally, it is very addictive and you can really calm down and relax.
3. Shared cooking
When I have more time than usual, I like to "take it out" in the kitchen. Cooking is my passion, that's why it's on this list. In my free time I can afford to prepare dishes that I simply don't have time for during the week. Besides, preparing delicious dishes for my loved ones makes me very happy.

sobota, 7 marca 2020

The piramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are an unbelievable feat of engineering and it has long been assumed that the purpose of their creation was much more important than the fact that they were supposed to be only tombs of pharaohs. Recently a group of physicists discovered that the Great Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy.
The pyramids of Giza are one of the seven wonders of the world. The complex consists of three pyramids. The largest is the tombstone of Pharaoh Cheops, whose pyramid is 147 meters high. Cheops decided to erect a pyramid as a tombstone. 100,000 people worked on the construction for almost 20 years. For centuries, the prevailing opinion was that they were ruthlessly exploited slaves, many of whom lost their lives at work. This belief is contrasted with the thesis that the construction of the pyramid was rather a kind of public work. It provided a livelihood for thousands of farmers. The pyramid of Chefren, 10 meters lower by 10 meters, is adorned with a well-known monument of the Sphinx, a lion with the head of a pharaoh (believed to be his face).
While the Egyptian pyramids are surrounded by many myths and legends, we have little scientifically reliable information about their physical properties. That is why a team of scientists from ITMO University and Laser Zentrum Hannover have taken an interest in how the Great Pyramid will interact with resonant length electromagnetic waves. Calculations have shown that in the resonance state the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in the inner chambers of the pyramid, and also under its base.
Researchers, including Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and Christopher Dunn, suggested that the ancient Egyptians or earlier lost civilization were far more advanced than mankind had long assumed. Dunn believes that the Giza pyramids were built as a tool to draw energy from the Earth's ionosphere.

Is karma a bitch?

Karma is a term that has already become a permanent feature in the dictionary of most people. This philosophy of life, which originated in t...